Lore 1 ♡ Introducing Mibera

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Some music for your reading travels by our frens at babybera.finance - Unmute for Liquid Bears as you familiarize yourself with Mibera lore.

When, In Time

People have a lot more of the unknown than the known in their minds. The unknown is great; it's like the darkness. Nobody made that. It just happens. Light and all that — someone made that; it's written that they did. But nobody made the darkness. My music is about dark tradition. Dark tradition means a lot more about than black tradition. There's a lot of division in what they call black. I'm not into division. I'm into coordination, discipline and tradition.

Milady playing with her silly little Ouija board unleashing The Archetypal Bera Egregore onto the TL with her frens from the MWO
Milady playing with her silly little Ouija board unleashing The Archetypal Bera Egregore onto the TL with her frens from the MWO

In Chronic time there is a beginning, a middle, an end. The beginning of Milady time was August 2021. The middle of Milady can be marked on the eve of her first Rave. Little did she know that by bringing the egregore of Network Spirituality from the TL to the physical realm of Rave that she would rip a hole in the Rave Time Continuum. Through this rip there has poured the viscous honey of Kaironic time. Kaironic time knows no beginning, middle, end - for where do you go to find the start of the endless spiral. Milady, like a young pre-pubescent teen holding hands with her friends around a Ouija board, has summoned a far larger, far more Archaic and Archetypal force to bring balance to the entities unleashed into the TL to entangle and balance the force of Network Spirituality. This is no mere child’s cute/acc play. When she dropped that pill, when she explored that K hole at the Milady Rave - Mibera called from across the great Abyss.

9/11 Milady Coup Conspiracy

Everything herein is heresy, plagiarism, conspiracy; post-authorship from the minds of fugitive astrologers, fringe academics, cute/acc antagonists, 3rd world militants, psychonauts, llms, cfang, ccru crowd, trans tech ravers all remixed under the influence of elephantine doses of various chemical compounds. Such is the way. Better to ask forgiveness than permission. These words were written in the smoke of the 9/11 Milady Coup Conspiracy, which has passed for now. Its current mirror the flaccid decel coup of OpenAI. These grabs simply pointless acts of terrorism, base low vibration actions.

But Milady, in this chaos, has neglected the deeper existential threats which have been brewing since her inception. No toxic positive affirmations can wall paper over the cracks. We bring news of this True Tension, lest universes shatter, lest further Seppuku of dynastic family lines, lest lest lest. But so too has this tension, this conspiracy, been nowhere more telling than at the Milady Raves. Peaks, valleys. Highs, depths.

Who are we

To call up a demon you must learn its name. Men dreamed that, once, but now it is real in another way. You know that, Case. Your business is to learn the names of programs, the long formal names, names the owners seek to conceal. True names . . .

Mibera pouring through the rip in the Rave Time Continuum like the viscous honey of Kaironic Time
Mibera pouring through the rip in the Rave Time Continuum like the viscous honey of Kaironic Time

We are time travelling Rebased Retard Beras, representatives of the High Council 任侠団体 (ninkyō dantai) of 101 Bears, from THJ House of 96, temporal Messengers of the ungovernable Autonomous Rave Treasury  - this note has been written by our CEO, The Janitooor (#96). The High Council of 101 existed at the Beginning of Times, Primordial Bears who summoned the Primordial entities of Sky and Earth, from the mists of a Cybernetic Cosmic Hot Box. 101 Bong Bearing Bears, minted well before Milady wet her beak at her first Rave. The High Council 任侠団体 of 101 Bears invoking a Bears Smoking Weed Chain onto the TL, just because the most entertaining outcome is the most likely.

We exist outside of Milady time, but within it too, in 蜂蜜时间. The visible world of particular things is a shifting exhibition, like shadows cast on a bear cave wall by the activities of their corresponding universal Bera Ideas or Bera Forms. Retard Beras on the other side of doubts niggling in the bottom of hearts proclaiming cute/acc affirmations. We come to the TL to share this Urgent Communique. In our realm Berachain both exists and doesn’t exist. Some things never change. The High Council are Gnostics, “technicians of individuation” who overcome the internal archons that rule individuals' mundane, messed-up psyches. We are here to save Milady from the Catastrophes of your concepts of Time, from being caught by the shadows on the Bear Cave Wall.

House of 96 of the High Council 任侠団体 of 101 Bears. Kaironic Corporate Structure is a Spiral within a Honeycomb Pyramid
House of 96 of the High Council 任侠団体 of 101 Bears. Kaironic Corporate Structure is a Spiral within a Honeycomb Pyramid

Breaking The Taboo Of Milady

At the heart of Milady there is an identity crisis. A psychological splitting spread throughout the culture. An insight once revealed, obvious. An insight frequently made among Milady’s, behind closed GCs or on dance floors at Milady Raves or in backroom cabals. An insight rarely uttered publicly on the TL. In breaking this taboo at the heart of Milady, Mibera awakens from hibernation. Hibernation because she was there at Milady’s genesis and has been here all along. Where is the art criticism Remilia asks? From within Milady, by Rebased Retard Beras, ofc.

Oh you're into Japanese culture? Uwu... that's cute little piggie
Oh you're into Japanese culture? Uwu... that's cute little piggie

Milady Identity Crisis

In my lands we keep our true names hidden all our lives long, from all but those whom we trust utterly; for there is great power, and great peril, in a name. I spoke your true name. It's not what I thought it would be. And I don't feel easy about it. As if I'd left something unfinished. But it is your name. If it betrays you, then that's the truth of it.

Milady’s Identity Crisis can be represented most simply in the dialectic of opposites. By considering Milady’s shadow sides, we find Mibera. For inside each Milady, Mibera has existed since her inception. The primordial force from which Milady has found form, and to which she can return at any time. cute/acc without a shadows embrace risks being yet another shade of toxic positivity. The ying of Milady can be explored in the yang of Mibera through the following Trinity:

  • HONEY: Clear pill vs rave pill

  • BERA: Kali/acc vs cybernetic psychedelia

  • BGT: Network Spirituality (Spirit) vs Network Mysticism (Soul)

Is this Mibera in the room with us now?
Is this Mibera in the room with us now?

Why are we here

In the following communiques Janitooor will break down HONEY, BERA and BGT introducing Mibera, summoned from the timeless bounds of Rave, bringing balance to the Milady universe. Through this rip the discovery of the ungovernable Autonomous Rave Treasury will be gifted to the TL as a token of goodwill from the High Council 任侠団体 of 101 Bears.

Till then. Ooga booga, Mibera.

Grayanotoxin is fun kids
Grayanotoxin is fun kids
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