This is the Bit Bear equivalent article and is needed for BearGate and InfinityGate.
Henlo, please note everything written after this statement may, or may not be, psyops. This is written for education and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Most of this was written by Napzilla who has a lot of bear jpegs and edited by Janitooor who also has a lot of bear jpegs and is also a seed investor in Berachain. Remember anon, do your own psyops.
Over the years, we’ve seen thousands of essentially the same drop: 10k animal PFPs. Sometimes they’re koalas, sometimes they’re lions, sometimes they’re even manatees. But the art always looks similar, as do the traits (and the fact they have traits in the first place). Your duck has a crown and 3D glasses? Send it! Your moose only has a plain shirt with the project name on it? RIP to your 0.2 ETH, brother. The majority of these collections come and go. If a project is lucky, it will mint out. If it’s even luckier, it will survive the inevitable dump as 99% of minters realize this wasn’t the time they got lucky and scored a legendary (this won’t stop them from trying their luck at the next low-effort animal pfp mint, though). If it’s insanely lucky, it will actually find traction for some reason and go up in price. But at the end of the day, that’s the ceiling of what any of these projects can truly aspire for. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But in the depths of crypto twitter - specifically the NFT subsector of CT - some degenerates aspire for more.
So, what if there was a 10k animal PFP that did things differently? One that didn’t drop all 10,000 NFTs up front, but instead relied on some new flavor of ponzinomics to give itself a much higher chance of success. You may have guessed that I’m talking about the Bong Bears. In short, the initial NFT drop was a mere 107 beras. From there they have rebased and rebased, concluding with a grand total of 9,311 zooted bears (that’s not 10k, I know, we never said bears could count gud). The first rebasing NFT collection is slowly working its way towards becoming another 10k animal PFP. But the journey to that point has made all the difference.
That’s not the only distinguishing feature of the Bong Bear NFTs. You may have also heard that the team behind the NFTs is also building a novel L1 to accompany the little ursine fellas and fellettes. We at The Honey Jar cannot confirm or deny if this mythical chain is actually being built (hint: it’s not), but if it were, you could read all about it and the many factors working in its favor in our first article, “Berachain, Cults, and the Dawn of The Honey Jar” (if you could read, which you can’t).
Okay, okay, we’ve told you about all of this in pretty much all of our previous articles, so let’s get to the point. The word “ponzi” gets thrown around a lot in the crypto world, usually incorrectly. So we would like to continue this trend and discuss the ponzinomics of The Honey Jar.Â
As discussed in our “BeraFi: Bong Bears x NFTFi” article, the degenerate beras love to turn everything into a game. What started as an ambitious attempt to bring value to the bera community through high-quality, long-form articles discussing bera history and lore, the beneficial effects of Cult as a Service (CaaS), and the novel characteristics of The Honey Jar, quickly turned into yet another game for the beras to play. So why not run with it? The beras wanted a new game, The Honey Jar gave them one.
The release of The Honey Jar’s first (very educational) article on the Web3 publishing platform sparked an idea. Despite absolutely no stated incentives for reader’s to utilize mirror’s “collect” functionality, beras were collecting this “Henlo, World!” piece by the hundreds. This was not lost on The Honey Jar team, so we cooked up the idea of getting bears to read for a whitelist spot rather than perform time-consuming and meaningless tasks in a Discord. And so it continued with the release of the second article which was the public’s first long-form glimpse into the mind of legendary bera sweeper and The Honey Jar’s founder, janitooor - the first communication from him that wasn’t written in smol on the bird app. As more articles have been released, the vision crystallized: this much less grind-y version of whitelist gaming would work swimmingly with the Gate design which was already in the works. More on the Gates later.
But before we get into the core ponzinomics of The Honey Jar, let’s look a little deeper into the first-of-its-kind article collection game. This article that you're reading is the Bit Bear equivalent. What the hell does that mean? Simply put, it’s The Honey Jar’s way of paying homage to the Bong Bear’s rebasing functionality that has enabled the amazing journey to where we are now. Each article that we have released mirrors the Bong Bears and their rebases in total collectible supply. The genesis article had 107 editions available for mint, just like the 107 OG Bong Bears. Side note: the bears managed to completely crash mirror while apeing into this mint. Bears gonna bear. The second article had 126 editions like the Bond Bears. And so on and so forth up to the final upcoming “HoneyBlitzing: Blitzscaling Berachain” with 4,713 copies, just like the much-awaited final bera rebase.
The articles can be viewed in four ways:
Good articles that are worth learning to read for
Entry to early mint, what is commonly referred to as whitelist or allowlist
A potential chance for some free mints
In the case of InfinityGate, a pretty sure-fire way of securing a free mint
The collection of educational articles was not a planned facet of The Honey Jar’s ponzinomics, but as you’ll discover as you learn more about this innovative gateway to DeFi, once the flywheel starts turning, it is impossible to stop.
Before moving on, we need to introduce the Gate system. The Honey Jar has iterated on the AirLock design created by the Apeliens Larvae NFT project. In their design, the AirLock was a way to supply partner communities with passwords to AirLocks ahead of general mint, which would allow these communities to get early access to minting before it became open to the general public. The Honey Jar has adapted this design into the notion of Gates, a 0 to 1 innovation in the NFT space which opens a whitelist in phases to people who meet certain on-chain requirements. The reason for this is three fold:
The purpose of Honeycomb is for it to be distributed to as wide of a set of supporters as possible. Gates make it easier to distribute 40% of supply to new entrants who have a chance to get into the system for cheap or free
Staggering access to the mint introduces both elements of FOMO and elements of order, which will hopefully make the process less taxing on people’s time, emotions, and gas
Deciphering how the ponzu design works, and what path through the forest a degen will take is a high signal of Proof of Active Participation. More on why this is valuable later
To read more about exactly what conditions are involved for each Gate, read The Honey Jar FAQs (another collectible ;) ).
But, where were we? Oh yes, bears reading, a very rare occurrence indeed. The articles fit very nicely into this Gate system as they allow for the design of a new set of on-chain conditions which the gates can utelise. If someone is just interested in securing access to early mint - cool, you can do this for 15 bucks by collecting one of the 10k supply articles. No Discord hustle needed. If you want to maximize your free claims, then you may read all the articles, decipher the ponzu, and ask questions on twitter or Discord. You may collect all the articles and turn up early to the right Gate and jump in to claim your scare-free claim allocation. And finally, we would be remiss not to cover the degenerate sect of the beras - the speculatooors. By replicating the Bong Bear distribution model, the Beanie Baby Effect is triggered for those interested in engaging in the scarcity speculation game. Those who collect one of each article are eligible for InfinityGate, the most assured way to successfully mint one of The Honey Jar’s Honeycomb NFTs. A maximum of 107 (the supply of the most scarce THJ article) users are guaranteed a Honeycomb through InfinityGate for each generation of Honeycomb NFTs, as long as they mint it before the general mint sells out.Â
The game doesn’t stop with InfinityGate, though. Collecting any of the rebase-equivalent articles also qualifies all holders for a free Honeycomb claim via BearGate. BearGate was intended to be the Gate where Bong Bear and rebase holders were able to access a number of free claims, hence the name. But once the fun got started with the article gamification, the THJ team decided that it would be nice to reward the literate portion of the community as well, giving better opportunities to noberas who have been dutifully engaged in better understanding the Beraverse. As we have noted in past articles, Honeycomb NFTs are meant to be a less expensive gateway into exposure to the Berachain ecosystem. The bera jpegs are good jpegs, but they are also expensive. Opening BeraGate to holders of eligible articles offers another cost-effective way to bring new frens into the bera fun.
To illustrate the success that this article game has already had, we can look no further than the Optimism NFT dashboard. Huge spikes in volume occurred as the bera community aped into the articles.
But WHY do all this? Because it’s a fun way to gamify the whitelisting process without the tedious, dehumanizing grind that other projects force potential community members to endure. The Honey Jar intends to be a project that builds up the community, not one that discourages folks from getting excited and involved. In fact, we even have a campaign that is live through March 5th, that incentivizes community contribution. This campaign does not simply reward creators with whitelist spots, because that would be lame. The users who create the 6 best pieces of content in various categories will each win a Honeycomb NFT, with the grand champion winning a Band Bear! See the linked tweet and below image for more details on how to participate.
We at The Honey Jar truly believe that all these articles we have been writing are important.
Not just for self-promotion purposes either. Bonga Bera 101 was written with the intention of bringing new entrants up to speed on literally everything that has occurred with the blazed bera NFTs since day one. The Berachain and Cults article was written with the intention of helping people to open their eyes to the upside of getting involved with what will eventually become Berachain. The BeraFi article was written with the intention of cultivating a greater understanding of the future of NFTFi and why we believe it will be a huge component in the future of France. We think that those who understand the history of this space and what is expected to come in the near future will have a huge advantage. We want those who care enough to spend their time learning with us to reap the benefits of their expanded knowledge.
So naturally, we turned the process of getting involved with educating the community into another game. We would love for these articles to be as accessible as possible to everyone. So we have been funding translations of these very articles. There are currently volunteers working on translating our works into 25+ languages. If their work is quality - not just running the article through Google translate and calling it a day - these ambitious folks are being paid out for their hard work in fractionalized Bit Bears using Honey Jar partner Caviar. We have developed a way for people to get actual bong bear NFTs without having to spend a penny. And we hope that while they are carefully reading through all of our articles as they translate them, they are becoming just as bought-in and bullish (berapilled) as we have become while writing them. We have gamified education again, like a Web3 Reading Blaster.
But enough about the articles that you are unable to read anyway. Let’s get into the ponzinomics of The Honey Jar itself. As noted, a sizeable percentage of the mint will be available early to established community members and partners through InfinityGate, BeraGate, PartnooorGate, and FrenGate. 40% of the total NFT supply will be free to those who have supported us and the broader Berachain ecosystem in one way or another. What other project has just given away a large percentage of their collection to their frens? This leaves 60% for the general public to attain. Those who were previously not involved in anything bera, along with the missooors, will have their chance to obtain Honeycomb and prove their active engagement with the Berachain ecosystem and thus position themselves for all the benefits that may come along with that.
At its core, each Honeycomb NFT is what we call a bearified POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol - or our version, Proof of Active Participation). Until now, most POAPs have not been very useful. Many projects use them as a simple way for their community members to have proof that they were in attendance at notable project events. But after their POAP NFTs have been minted, they generally just sit in holder wallets collecting dust. You may be detecting a pattern by now - The Honey Jar has gamified this concept.
When you collect a Honeycomb, you have NFT proof that you have actively participated in one of the following:
Decoded and gained an understanding of the ultimate design of The Honey Jar
Educated yourself on bera lore, history, data, NFTFi, ponzinomics, etc.
Introduced yourself to the Bong Bears and Berachain
Learned about novel rebasing mechanics that have been mimicked with our articles
Aped into a berachain thing and you don’t know why but you’re good at sniffing honey on the wind
The ultimate outcome is that our identification of active participants gives The Honey Jar’s partnooors an engaged and interested audience that is available to be targeted for their own purposes, whatever they may be. And all without the need for the whitelist hustle culture that was cultivated over previous crypto market cycles. Project teams can spend their valuable time actually working on their product, instead of organizing and facilitating tedious Discord events to identify those in their community who “want it” the most. Aspiring or current community members don’t have to spend their days grinding for precious whitelist spots. It’s a big win for everyone involved.
At this time, it’s worth noting that absolutely zero Honeycomb have been set aside for VCs, industry insidooors, and The Honey Jar team. This sets the stage for a fair distribution where reluctant minters can be more confident that if they take their chances and get their paws on a Honeycomb, they won’t get immediately dumped on by unknown actors. Overall, if you believe that our partners are real, the fake chain will eventually be real, and that the various stakeholders involved in THJ will make good on their promises, then we hope that the risk of spending your hard earned money on our NFTs will be worth the potential rewards. If nothing else, they are very good articles and jpegs.
To be clear, at the time of the mint in early March, there will still be quite a bit of mystery surrounding the Honeycombs. We can say that they are good jpegs, but not much more. And we can say that 7 is the number of rebases of Bong Bears and the number of Honey Jar articles. The entire goal of The Honey Jar project has been to create something in support of the Berachain ecosystem. Holding a good Honeycomb picture shows that you are a supportive community member who has engaged with the bera world in the past, and would like further exposure in the future. Everything that this team has built has been with that specific goal in mind. Flywheels have been implemented, new ways to obtain free claims have been invented, but the objective has stayed the same. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Whether you choose to purchase a Honeycomb or not, at least our articles have given you a reason to learn how to read.